What Happened At Assembly On Monday
Team 1 is doing were does the stuff go in the zoo and how to be a zoo keeper ladder in life and to keep the animals safe and people by putting electric wire and metal bars so the animals don't runaway.
Team 2 is doing flit and how things fly in the sky and float. How did the hot air balloons fly and float in the sky well you can ask Team 2 how does it float. How does the airplanes fly in the sky so fast well any thing that floats or fly fast you can ask Team 2.
Team 3 is doing collars and how do we see collars.When we see black no collars reflect back at our eyes because black is not a color but when we see pink some of the colors reflect back at our eyes. And if you want to know more about colors you can ask team 3.
Team 4 is doing how do things flout and sink. A rock can not flout because it does not have any air in it to make it flout. A bout can flout on top of the water because it has a hole lot of air in the bout rushing every were. And if you want to know more about how do things flout and sink you can ask team 4.
Team 5 is doing sound and how can you hear sound. well sound is made when some one is talking our making music when you are in a cave and you strum your guitar our yell the sound will echo of the walls. When you yell in your house our strum your guitar it will not echo of the walls. And if you want to know more about how sound is made and other stuff you can ask team 5.