
Monday, 22 June 2015


I have been learning about Volume and how volume works.


Today our maths group has been doing volume and what it is.

Monday, 15 June 2015

Managing Time To Complete Assignments

I am done all of my reading and I think that I am at the purple level.

Accidental Plastics

This is my Accidental Plastics that has all of the reasons about the Plastics and the car window screens.

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Anzac story

This term we have been learning about the Anzac soldiers and WW1. In our literacy class time,we have been reading different WW1 stories  to research and find out what happened so that we could show you.

When they first landed they were getting shot at with lots of bullets and heaps of people died just trying to get on the shore what a tragedy. Hope That you like what we did in this movie and lest we forget.  

Reading Progression

I am in the blue area and in order to reach the purple area I have to finish of the rest of my reading work work.

Underground Soldiers

I have Written Information all about underground soldiers and Questions about the underground soldiers.

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

My Cm Work

Find the perimeter of a pentagon when each side is 20 cm long. 4 x 20 cm=80 cm So the first thing I did was 2 x 20 = 40 Then I did 40 + 40=80